10 Easy Ways To Save Energy While Working From Home
1. When your phone or other electronic device is charged, unplug it. Many chargers use energy even when they are not connected to a device.
2. Turn off lights when you leave the room.
3. If there is enough sunlight for the room, open the blinds and turn off lamps and lights.
4. Check your HVAC system air filters and replace them if they are dirty. Clean filters use less energy and reduce the strain on your system.
5. When your heating or cooling system is running, close the windows.
6. If you have older lightbulbs, switch to LEDs, which use a lot less energy.
7. Use a power strip and switch it off to stop power flow when you are away.
8. Unplug your printer and appliances when they are not being used.
9. Using your computer's sleep mode or power management features can save up to $50 a year. If your computer will not be used for more than two hours, turn it off.
10. Buy Energy Star certified office equipment such as computers, monitors and printers. They use less energy to perform regular tasks, and when not in use, automatically enter a low-power mode.
Jim Shorkey
Realtor, MRP, PSA, NHCB
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