Insuring Roofs: Important Changes With Florida Carriers

Many insurers are becoming more restrictive with roof coverage.  Some insurers will not even cover your home if it has an older roof.  Some insurers have refused to renew existing homeowners insurance policies of houses with roofs older than 15-18 years without passing an inspection.  Those who fail inspection will not be renewed without a roof replacement.

Some carriers will not write new policies for homes with roofs 10 years old.  They will only pay actual cash value for roof replacement for older roofs when they are damaged.  This means that they do not pay to fully replace the roof, but only reimburse for what an old roof is worth after 10 plus years, it can be expensive to replace a roof, but you may have no choice if doing nothing would cost you your home insurance policy which could result into a substantially greater "forced placed insurance" premium.

Source: Sihle Insurance Group
