10 Custom Home Builder Questions Answered

What makes a home a custom home?

A custom home is different from a production home because it involves your input throughout the building process, from early planning to construction to the final design.  Custom homes allow you to make or commission your own unique floor plan and be involved in as much of the build and design as you want.  At the end of the process, you have a home particularly suited for your needs, taste, and budget.

Are custom homes more expensive?

Generally, custom homes are more expensive than production homes because clients usually pick out higher quality materials or have specific requests for extra features in their custom home.  However, custom home builders are perfectly capable of working within your budget to get the best value.  If cost is a concern, talk with your builder about areas you can save money or places where a larger investment might pay off.

Do I need to have my own lot to build a custom home?

Custom homes can be built on land that you already own or land that you buy for that purpose.  Because your custom home will be specific to you, the land it's built on should suit your needs as well.

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How much work is it for me to design a custom home?

Designing a custom home requires some input from you, because you are the one who will be enjoying it when it's completed.  That being said, you only need to be as involved as you wnat.  If you pick a clear style and can have a designer make the small decisions for you, you can streamline this process.  Our guess is, if you are looking for a custom home, it's because you want to customize the look and fell of your space.  Your home builder should welcome your opinions and work with you on building the home of your dreams.

What customizations add the most value to a custom home?

One of the most asked custom home builder questions is how to outfit a custom home to increase its value.  Some of the most popular ways to do this are to start with a desirable open floor plan, add energy-efficient systems, and plenty of appealing features like windows, a large kitchen or even an extra bathroom.

Does it take longer to build a custom home?

There is a lot of planning that goes into building a custom home.  Custom homes require a lot more decisions to be made than production homes, so it takes time to weigh options and make choices.  However, if the builders, the designers, and the client all have a clear plan and strategy before breaking ground on the home, the process can move along swiftly.  You want your home to be just right, and so does your builder, so they will not cut corners when it comes to making your home perfect.

Do builders provide a written estimate?

When it comes to building a custom home, a simple "here's what it costs" will not do.  Home builders work with their clients to develop clear expectations of the building process including estimated costs and a timeline of construction.  A quote will be detailed and written so you know exactly what to expect.  When it comes time to make an agreement, a contract is the best way to give you peace of mind that your project will be done right and to your exact specifications.

How do builders keep a build within my budget?

Any great custom home builder will work with you to plan out cost expectations and make a plan for what adjustments can be made for quality.  Once you have decided on a budget, your custom home builder will respect it.  When choosing materials, they will look at all available options to make sure you get the best value.  They will keep you informed of changes and discuss how they could affect your budget before making decisions that would compromise mutual trust.

Will builders collaborate with my designer?

Absolutely.  Custom home builders look at their projects as a team effort.  with input from many sources including you and your designers, they should be open to ideas and brainstorming from all sides.  Feel free to ask your custom home builder questions to help you make decisions from which materials are best to which design choices will add the most value to your completed home.

How do I find a custom home builder?

To find a reputable custom home builder, speak with a Realtor.  A good real estate professional will be able to refer you to one or more custom home builders.  You should then interview each recommended home builder.  Choose the one that can provide you with the exact home you have been looking for, on your timeline and budget.  If you are considering building a custom home, please feel free to email (jimshorkey@futurehomerealty.com) or call (321-750-4814) me.
